Laudato Si’
Lent 2024:
Listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor (LS 49)
Lent offers a time for reflection and giving back.
Consider turning your Lenten sacrifices into a meaningful contribution by donating to LSM.
“Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.” (cf. Psalm 51:3a)
Lent is a special season for reflection and action through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, so this year we’ll live it more profoundly by focusing on the theme “Listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor” (LS 49).
We invite Catholics to live this special liturgical season by repenting of their ecological sins, reading and reflecting on the content of this calendar, and reconciling their relationship with the Earth through concrete actions according to the regional campaigns.
Laudato Si’ Lent 2024 week by week
What is in the calendar?
A curated blend of calendar touchstones, Gospel reflections, and regional calls to action, the Lent Calendar links the contemplative spirit of the Lent Season with the need for ecological conversion through repentance, reflection, and reconciliation. Crafted urgently as people of faith and global citizens, this calendar and associated reflections are a unique fusion of spiritual and prophetic engagement.