The Lenten Fossil Fuel Fast Campaign
Adopt 5 practices to cut back on fossil fuels!
This Lent we invite you to sign the interfaith letter endorsing the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and commit to 5 practices to cut back on fossil fuels in your life.
Each week during Lent we have specific calls to action based on the themes described below.
To begin this Lenten journey, please sign here the interfaith letter for FFNPT and sign here your pledge to commit to 5 practices to cut back on fossil fuels during Lent. And as this 40-day journey develops, please share here your experience of committing to cut back on fossil fuels.
Week 1: Reconnect with creation
Reconnecting with creation nurtures an understanding and appreciation of the delicate balance of ecosystems, fostering a sense of responsibility to care for all creation. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to reconnect with creation and cut back on fossil fuels.
Week 2: Be aware of your environmental footprint
Understanding our environmental footprint is key to making informed decisions on reducing carbon footprint. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to do it.
Week 3: Fasting and abstinence
Explore ways to abstain from use of or reduce the use and demand for fossil fuels. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to fast and abstain from fossil fuels.
Week 4: Give
Support initiatives and organizations dedicated to protecting and caring for creation. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to give and cut back on fossil fuels.
Week 5: Engaging others and advocating
Effective responses to the climate crisis hinge on collective action and policy changes. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to engage others and advocate to cut back on fossil fuels.
Week 6: Pray
Through prayer, individuals may find inspiration and motivation to do the Fossil Fuel fast during Lent and extend this commitment beyond the season. Here you can find concrete ideas on how to pray and cut back on fossil fuels.